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what we do with your support

About Us

House of Dawn supports young mothers to become independent and self-reliant. Our targeted population are young adults, ages 18 to 24 and enrolled in college, technical school or a workforce development program. Services include: student housing, childcare assistance, parent support groups, and educational supports so that young mothers can achieve educational goals, start careers, and begin leading independent lives.

Program highlights



We provide housing to aid young mothers attending college or secondary schools and families needing a hand to improve their future.

University Student Housing

Workforce Affordable Housing

Global Programs

Your support allows us to take services and support we have perfected over 20 plus years to women in other countries. We’re changing generations there and a small amount here makes for sweeping improvements there. We hope you will consider a gift for our latest efforts by making a donation as little as $23 by clicking the link below.

Africa Missions 2023

Africa Missions 2022

Jamaica Mission 2021

Community Outreach

Our Community Outreach Program focuses on homeless prevention, rental and child care assistance, linkage to community resources. We offers community support by way of clothing, furniture, personal items, and nonprofit workshop facilitation.

Health and Wellness Center

Emergency Resources

A deep commitment to diversity

International Partners

Daniel James, Stripe

By enrolling in the Four Bear Program, UM guarantees you will graduate in four years with a bachelor’s degree. Discover the global city—filled with inspiration, opportunities to explore.

Shane Dore, PayPal

By enrolling in the Four Bear Program, UM guarantees you will graduate in four years with a bachelor’s degree. Discover the global city—filled with inspiration, opportunities to explore.

Our nearly 8,000 committed staff members are ready to help.

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Embrace holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice